TheHopeLine helps students and young adults in crisis by offering sound advice, a safe place to connect, and an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Special Year-End Matching Challenge!

As friends like you stand with us, TheHopeLine will continue its work of rescuing young people from suicide and ministering hope through Christ.

PLUS ... any gift you can give today will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to the $102,000 total of a timely “RESCUE OUR YOUTH” Matching Challenge. Your donation will go twice as far to reach 13- to 29-year-olds via TheHopeLine through the following:

• Our 24/7 crisis line
• Our recently enhanced and redesigned website offering resources, live chat, true connection, sound advice, and HOPE to those who are struggling
• Our team of highly trained Hope Coaches
• And more

Because of the match, $57 will be doubled to $114 to provide TheHopeLine for one full hour, $114 will be doubled to $228 to provide for two hours … $228 will be doubled to $456 to underwrite the 24/7 crisis line for four hours!

End 2023 by making a difference for someone who is struggling. SAVE LIVES by the power of Christ!
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