Thanks to you, lives defined by CRISIS are being transformed into lives defined by CHRIST!

LIFE OR DEATH Matching Challenge
Double Your Life-Saving Impact!

A young person on the brink of suicide… They find TheHopeLine… They reach out… But no one answers.

That’s the grim reality, when we don’t have enough Hope Coaches available. Our LIFE OR DEATH Matching Challenge is urgently important.

1. We must expand the impact of our Hope Coach team.
2. We must get the word out about TheHopeLine to more desperate and hopeless teens and young adults.
3. We must distribute more Hope Boxes, full of practical tools and resources for educators, youth pastors, and counselors to connect with young people in trouble — and direct those troubled youth instantly to TheHopeLine.

Please help young people choose life. Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar, the impact of your compassion doubled, up to a total of $136,000 to help reach more teens and young adults before it’s too late. Thank you! God bless you!

Our team has recently been on TV, blogs, podcasts, and radio stations telling the world about the ministry of TheHopeLine!

Watch, Read, and Listen!
TheHopeLine was founded by youth speaker, author, and Christian radio host Dawson McAllister over 30 years ago.  

Everyday, students and young adults in crisis are given hope through free online resources, email mentors, and the opportunity to chat live with a Hope Coach.

How do students find TheHopeLine?

One of the most effective ways is by placing ads on Google.   

Guess which topic brings the most students to TheHopeLine from Google?

While all three of these topics are popular, if you chose MENTAL HEALTH then you were correct! 
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