JULY 2024
Celebrating God's Work in the Lives of Young People through YOUR Prayers & Giving!
“My mom got physical with me and hurt me. I couldn’t feel the pain because I’m so used to it.”

Now 14 years old, “Madi” has experienced sporadic and unpredictable abuse from her mother for five years. “It started in fourth grade,” she said. “I wanted to harm myself when I got bullied by a bunch of kids. And she beat me. It just feels so normal that I don’t care anymore … I got raised with it being called ‘discipline.’”

With Mom struggling to raise five children, the stress kept intensifying. But then you stepped into the story. Madi heard about TheHopeLine. When her mother lashed out yet again, Madi reached out for help.

Our Hope Coach, Val, confirmed that Madi’s mother’s behavior was not normal discipline and encouraged her to speak to her guidance counselor. But even more important, she affirmed Madi’s value in the eyes of the Lord.

“God really loves you so much,” Val said — then added: “Even though your mom hurts you sometimes, it might help to have a relationship with God, who you can talk to any time and cry to and ask for His strength, wisdom, and courage.”

After Madi shared how she had been willing to take the blame and the punishment if her siblings were ever in trouble, Val offered a shocking comparison: Jesus did the same for us! As Val lifted up a prayer of salvation, Madi prayed it out loud alongside her and joined the family of God.
“God heard that prayer,” Val told her. “He’s with us right now, and He will never forget it. He keeps His Word. You are now right with Him forever! I want you to remember this day. It’s a huge one in your life.
“I won’t forget,” said Madi. “I’m going to try and build that relationship with God, because now I know there is really someone who cares.”

Val sent resources for Madi’s spiritual growth and extended the invitation for her to reach out to TheHopeLine at any time.

Thank you for providing a safe place for Madi to begin her new life in Jesus! We will be forever grateful.
How many young people in your community or church are in crisis but don’t have a safe place to go for guidance? You can change that with the gift of a Hope Box!

A Hope Box contains everything you need to equip your school counselor or youth pastor to reach out to young people in need: 3 posters, 3 table tents, 5 QR code stickers, 5 flyers, and a pack of 25 crisis cards — each item connects a student to TheHopeLine.

1,000 brand-new Hope Boxes need to be delivered to schools and churches before school begins this fall. Please help! You can:
Yes, life is hard. But a Hope Box lets students and young adults know they don’t have to go it alone. Thank you in advance for saving lives through Hope Boxes!
This gives her the unique opportunity to nurture young people in crisis, then to share firsthand stories and insights with our generous friends. Her dedication to both aspects of our mission ensures TheHopeLine continues to provide vital support for those in need.
Here are a few heartwarming messages she’s received:
“Wow! You opened a new world for me. This completely changed my mind.” —Alexia
“Thank you for helping me know my worth and creating a new hope in me.” —Gan
“I came here not expecting to find much, but instead, I ended up having a completely different perspective on the situation I’m dealing with.” —Sam
“TheHopeLine has been instrumental in my own healing journey,” Melissa says. “I am privileged to be surrounded and supported by some of the most committed, caring, and compassionate individuals I have ever had the honor of working with.”

She adds: “Serving teens and young adults facing struggles similar to what I faced in the past and guiding them toward hope brings me immense joy!”

Thank you for being part of our ministry family, empowering Hope Coaches like Melissa to bring real help and hope to young people in crisis!
We live in a time of an unprecedented mental health crisis in our country and our world. Students and young adults grapple daily with anxiety, fear, depression, conflicting messages about identity, and more.

Last year, we saw a 118% increase in requests for help and a 131% increase in young people considering suicide. Historically, these statistics spike during the summer months.

But God has uniquely prepared TheHopeLine for such a time as this. We have a 33-year track record of saving lives.

Now, however, we need to grow — to meet the ever-increasing demand!

Even with the huge number of live chats we fielded in 2023 — over 20,000 last year — 11,000 chat attempts still went unanswered, simply for lack of funding.

So please pray about how generous you can be. Any gift will make a difference: more chats answered, more lives saved.

This is a matter of life and death. Thank you for helping to meet the demand … and leading young people to choose life!
TheHopeLine is the only 24-hour, 7 days a week, Christian crisis line for young people — and through it, you are making a real difference at this moment of unprecedented need in our country and our world.

Please partner with us to keep giving struggling students and young adults hope and Jesus — the only solution to every heartache they face.

Tired of The Problem?  Try the Solution.

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