How Did Zoe Find Her Own Self-Worth?

Here is Zoe's personal account of how she finally learned to appreciate her own self-worth...

I spoke to a wonderful Hope Coach about issues I've had with my Mum and my brother, who sadly, is no longer a part of our lives as he disowned us all last year. I explained how I was feeling and was advised that I can't change who my Mum is but what I can do is set my own rules and boundaries to protect myself and stop enabling others to put me in situations that no longer make me happy.

These people (the Hope Coaches) are so down to earth and they speak a lot of honesty truth and logic.

I was made to appreciate my own self-value and worth and that other people's battles aren't mine to fight anymore. They have to handle them on their own. I've done my fair share of battling through my life and it's time for me to take a step back and look after myself.

-Zoe (from the UK)

Start appreciating your own self-worth. A compassionate and caring Hope Coach is ready to listen and understand what you are going through. Chat Live with a Hope Coach!

Leigh Had Been Living In Isolation For Years

Leigh describes her experience of isolation and how she found hope at TheHopeLine®.....

When my father became ill, there wasn't much time for all. I couldn't have a conversation with anyone. I was ignored and no one even attempted to hide the fact they were ignoring me.  It's not a big deal if you're an older teen, but I was 10.

It's been almost another 10 years since this started. I have started having dark thoughts over, as if I wasn't even a person anymore. I couldn't talk with my family, my friends, nor the staff at my school. I began isolating myself during middle school and I now fear being in a room with too many people. My HopeCoach was very supportive and a very short conversation with him went better than conversations I've had with anyone. I would recommend TheHopeLine® to anyone feeling upset over any sort of situation.

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