My Best Friend Committed Suicide

My best friend Alex committed suicide last month. I felt extremely horrible that I couldn't help him soon enough. I got to talk to a HopeCoach, and she helped me a bunch. She told me to make a legacy for him, to find new friends, keep my head up. I'm starting on a scrapbook of Alex and me. I'm also able to talk to our friend Rich. I'm planning on meeting new people and creating new friendships. Alex will also be in my heart and on my mind every second of everyday. He wants me to be happy, so I'm doing that. I loved speaking with the HopeCoach I got matched up with. Thank you.

If you or a friend need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, for free confidential, 24/7 help. Head here for a list of crisis centers around the world. For additional help, please visit the suicide prevention resource page.

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7 comments on “My Best Friend Committed Suicide”

  1. Well i have a question, If i find a note that says "Note why i killed myself" should I be worried? Note i did not make that note.

    1. Thank you for reaching out and for caring about this person. Yes, Briana, you should take the note seriously. You can chat with one of our HopeCoaches for free right now or anytime 24/7 online or from your phone. They can give you practical advice about how to help someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts. Please contact us soon. Again, so thankful you are a caring friend.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss and I will pray for you. Remember it is not your fault that your friend chose that.

    1. i lost my husband as well it been 7 yrs what can i say only that you will have good and bad days more bad than good believe me all i can say is what i did i knew people didnt like it when i talk about my husband or id say to boys your dad did that or this, for 5 yrs i went down a road that i was lucky that i could come back from but the first 5 yrs i blamed myself then i hated him for leaving us leaving me to raise our boys by myself , then finally now im able to sleep without having that pain which i cannot explain unless you have gone through it then you will nwver know that pain and i hope know has to feel that, i was very lucky to survive it , dont get me wrong there isnt a day or night that goes by that i dont think of him he is alway on my mind i feel with me all the time, but im at peace with myself finally and im able to sleep through the night and do other things that i was so scared to do
      thank for listerning

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