I Needed Help for My Deep Emotional Pain

I Found the Courage to Stand Up Again

I'm in Indonesia and I found this site when I was at the very bottom of my emotional pain. And I sincerely thank God that He found me again through this site. Thank you for the Hope Coaches that helped me by listening patiently and giving me the courage to stand up again and move on.

There is no easy way to fix what has broken into many pieces, but it doesn't mean there is no way at all. Sometimes through pain God shapes us into a better person. It is all about the choices we make and whether we want to live in the pain or whether we want to go through it a stronger person. Pain is one process in life, not an end of the things we go through.

"TheHopeLine was really helpful! They not only gave me support, but they also helped me learn to care and support others who are in need." 

My Story of Emotional Pain

I Found Hope from Indonesia

God is so amazing to bring all these great people on your site together despite distance. I found hope from Indonesia!

I'm really thankful for all the Hope Coaches who are really being God's hands and bringing light into my life. I now can see life from a different point of view.  A better one with hope and good faith.

I have made my choice that I will attend a church service on Sunday. I need to be there among believers to be together with them to praise and worship God. It is so good to feel he found me and I'm home now.

He Mends My Brokenness

There's a lot to be done with fixing up my life and emotions but I'm positive that with God nothing is impossible.  He mends my brokenness, and He gives me peace and understanding, which gives me great strength and courage to keep moving on.
Thank you! - Kirana (from Indonesia)

Life is hard and you don't have to go through it alone. You deserve to be heard and understood. Take the next step and chat with a Hope Coach for a safe place to connect and find hope.

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For over 30 years, TheHopeLine has been helping students and young adults in crisis. Our team is made up of writers and mental health professionals who care deeply about helping others.
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2 comments on “I Needed Help for My Deep Emotional Pain”

  1. hai kirana..aku baru di blog ini aku mau nanya.. kalo hopecoach itu seseorang yang akan ngejawab kita kalo kita nelfon?

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