I Was Insecure in Middle School

My Story of Insecurity

Everyone is insecure over something. I've yet to find one person who loves everything about themself.

Unfortunately, my insecurities led me to develop anxiety and depression. Being a teen in middle school makes yourself appearance stand out more and more. In 8th grade, I noticed how all of my friends had boyfriends and nice clothes and nice houses. And then I began to feel I wasn't good enough because no guys "liked" me, and they liked my friends.

I didn't have brand-name clothes because my parents just couldn't afford them. And my house is small and not the nicest. So, I decided since I wasn't perfect like my friends seemed to be.  I tried everything to be perfect. I began to plan out a diet which soon turned into a dangerous eating disorder. I had cuts all over my arms, stomach, and legs.
I felt hopeless.

My parents seemed as if nothing was wrong...like they were ashamed of me. That really sucked. I would come home and cry every single day and lock myself into my room and beg God to let me die.

But then I found this website. I talked to a HopeCoach and they said the right things. They made me feel like I wasn't a mistake. They said I was perfect... just for being me. I cried tears of joy and thanked them. God answered my prayers.

If I hadn't found this website...I would probably have tried to commit suicide.

Thank you TheHopeLine.com! You changed my life tremendously.
- Erin

Don’t stay in that place of insecurity, it’s going to take time to change what you think about yourself but it’s possible. TheHopeLine’s eBook on self-worth gives practical advice on how to increase your self-esteem.

If you or a friend need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, for free confidential, 24/7 help. Head here for a list of crisis centers around the world. For additional help, please visit the suicide prevention resource page.

TheHopeLine Team
For over 30 years, TheHopeLine has been helping students and young adults in crisis. Our team is made up of writers and mental health professionals who care deeply about helping others.
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