Brooks Gibbs LIVE: Autism Doesn't Define Me

In this call on Brooks Gibbs Live, Michael shares that he has been diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum Disorder, but he doesn’t let that slow him down.  Brooks looks at Michael as a hero and says we should all consider how, not only our gifts, but also our limitations are designed by God to help guide us down the right path.

Autism Doesn’t Define Me

Michael: Around age 3 I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and frequently I have issues with socializing, and communicating. And I really thought that I would have a really hard time becoming successful as an adult because of my diagnosis. However, my mom frequently said to me, “Autism should only briefly describe what I am. It should not define who I am.”

Being Open with Your Struggle Is a Cutting-Edge Advantage

Brooks: Here’s what I know about you Michael, you don’t mind disclosing to everybody what your struggle is….that you have difficulty with a little bit of anxiety…that you have been diagnosed with autism. You’re highly functional, so you are able to keep a job and keep relationships and communicate with other people.

The more you disclose your struggle, all it does is makes our hearts open wide and want to see you succeed. In my opinion, you have a cutting-edge advantage with this challenge, with this difficulty, because you’re willing to disclose, and you’re willing to learn and it seems like you have your emotions under check. I’m not worried about you Michael.

Find Your Path. Embrace Your Limitations.

People with Autism I think have superpowers. They are typically highly advanced in another area and they’re very skillful.

There’s a great old verse In Psalm 139 that I love. It says, “You formed my inward parts God. You covered me in my mother’s womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” That word, ‘inward parts’ is the word ‘kilya’. It is translated ‘my reins.’ That’s how the King James puts it. You formed my reins. You formed my boundaries, my limitations, my disabilities. Isn’t that incredible? We think God gives us gifts. “Oh, you’re just gifted by God.” But what about limitations? What about boundaries? What about reins?  You know reins, like on a horse, with a bit in his mouth where you steer right or left. That’s what our lack of abilities do. They tell us what we can’t.  As Clint Eastwood would say, “A man must know his limitations.”

When we discover in our youth, in our young adultness, our limitations, it helps make it very clear the path in which we’re to go. So do not hate yourself because you’re limited.

Look at guys like Michael, who’s a big hero of mine tonight, who just says, “You know what? I’ve got this challenge, but I’m going to keep on keeping on. And I’m going to remember the wisdom that’s been given to me in my past.”

Have you ever asked, "How can I learn to love myself?" Here are some suggestions for self-care and loving yourself. 

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