She Killed the Relationship and Broke My Heart

My name is Thomas and this is my story:

My best friend, who is a girl, and I were having difficulties in our relationship. Our parents told us to stop talking because we were getting too close.

When we finally were able to talk again, this girl told me we needed to kill the relationship. I didn't know what this meant or what I should do. Should I do what the girl wanted me to do or was the girl just saying this because she wanted me to back away for a while? I didn't know. My heart was broken.

My Heartbreak Story

I Found Hope and Trust

I started chatting with a HopeCoach because I didn't trust anybody I knew.

The HopeCoach helped me understand what I should do. He gave me insight and wisdom as to what I should be doing. He gave me hope and a plan for the future.

I am grateful for this help.  I needed advice and he helped me out.

Resources for a Broken Heart:

Heartbreak can hit suddenly and with a lot of force. It is possible to experience heartbreak and then find healing afterward. Visit our broken heart topic page for help.

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For over 30 years, TheHopeLine has been helping students and young adults in crisis. Our team is made up of writers and mental health professionals who care deeply about helping others.
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